George Floyd Tribute
George Floyd Tribute
Fictional Mountain
Fictional Mountain
Mount Olympus
Mount Olympus
Sunrise over Cairos
Sunrise over Cairos
CIC mural
CIC mural
The Cauldron of Morning
The Cauldron of Morning
Consider Yourself an Oracle
Consider Yourself an Oracle
Stain of the Tropics
Stain of the Tropics
The Cornucopia of Your Left Ear
The Cornucopia of Your Left Ear
Epitaph for Fire and Flower
Epitaph for Fire and Flower
Psychedelic Geode
Psychedelic Geode
Obfuscation of a Clutching Embrace
Obfuscation of a Clutching Embrace
Cannibal's Skull w Shrine
Cannibal's Skull w Shrine
At Odds
At Odds
Constrained by Ridges
Constrained by Ridges
Another Ghost Looking for a Handout
Another Ghost Looking for a Handout
Rainbow Kingdom
Rainbow Kingdom
We Made Ourselves Kings
We Made Ourselves Kings
We Made Ourselves Kings 2.0
We Made Ourselves Kings 2.0
Crucial + Agile
Crucial + Agile
UglyWindow 1
UglyWindow 1
George Floyd Tribute
George Floyd Tribute
Fictional Mountain
Fictional Mountain
Mount Olympus
Mount Olympus
Sunrise over Cairos
Sunrise over Cairos
CIC mural
CIC mural
The Cauldron of Morning
The Cauldron of MorningAcrylic, Cel Vinyl, Aerosol, Glitter, Resin, on Slate
Consider Yourself an Oracle
Consider Yourself an Oracle
Stain of the Tropics
Stain of the Tropics
The Cornucopia of Your Left Ear
The Cornucopia of Your Left EarAcrylic, Cel vinyl, Resin
ArielAcrylic, Cel Vinyl, Aerosol, on Birch
Epitaph for Fire and Flower
Epitaph for Fire and FlowerAcrylic, Cel Vinyl, Aerosol92 x 113in2016
Psychedelic Geode
Psychedelic GeodeAcrylic, Cel Vinyl, Glass, Plexi, Led Lighting7 x 7 x 7ft2016
Obfuscation of a Clutching Embrace
Obfuscation of a Clutching EmbraceAcrylic, Cel Vinyl, Aerosol, Resin, Foam, Glitter, Bubble Machines48 x 76in2017
Cannibal's Skull w Shrine
Cannibal's Skull w ShrineAcrylic, Cel Vinyl w Assemblage of Objects48 x 33in2016 
At Odds
At OddsAerosol8 x 25ft2016
Constrained by Ridges
Constrained by RidgesAerosol8 x 20ft2017
Another Ghost Looking for a Handout
Another Ghost Looking for a HandoutAcrylic, Cel Vinyl, Aerosol8 x 17ft
Rainbow Kingdom
Rainbow KingdomAcrylic + Cel Vinyl on Paper0 x 26in2017
We Made Ourselves Kings
We Made Ourselves KingsPainting, Digital Text2016
We Made Ourselves Kings 2.0
We Made Ourselves Kings 2.0Acrylic, Aerosol, Collage on Paper40 x 26in2017
Crucial + Agile
Crucial + AgileAcrylic, Cel Vinyl42 x 64in2017
UglyWindow2Acrylic, Cel Vinyl, Pen, Resin11 x 8in2016
UglyWindow 1
UglyWindow 1Acrylic, Cel Vinyl, Pen, Resin11 x 8in2016
UglyWindow3Acrylic, Cel Vinyl, Pen, Resin11 x 8in2016
UglyWindow4Acrylic, Cel Vinyl, Pen, Resin11 x 8in2016
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